Misha Calvert posing in a fur coat with red lipstick with a wood and cork background

I'm Misha.

A filmmaker, entrepreneur, and creativity coach.


I love film, theater, and television, and I’ve dedicated my life to making as much of them as I can.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve created a dozen short films, sold two series to networks, and campaigned for an Emmy for my screenwriting. 

Before that, I was an actor for 25 years! Acting has given me an advantage as a filmmaker, and filmmaking has, in turn, increased my confidence tenfold as an actor.

My creative work is both deep and outrageous, covering topics like gender, power, family, inequality, mental health, and the climate. I like to create high concept, bombastic visuals, and I'm obsessed with human behavior both onscreen and off.

The art that I create as a filmmaker and the work that I do here at Vermilion carry the same mission: to uplift, challenge, and empower. The alliance of art and business strengthens and amplifies this mission in astonishing ways.

So many creatives and businesspeople think that art and business are separate, but I find them to be inextricable when they share the same goal. They become like two weapons in your left and right hand as you fight for what you believe in. 

That purpose—your purpose—is critical to both your happiness and the prosperity of life on Earth. I created Vermilion to help you achieve that purpose. It will benefit everybody when you do!

I've spent three decades finding the courage and discipline to build the life I want. Living outside the norm takes time. There's probably no precedent for the incredible, unique thing you want to create.

The wild thing is, you don't need to achieve your dream to transform. Simply starting to build will change the fabric of your reality. I've seen it happen with thousands of my clients. And I've lived it.

"I wasn’t born into anything at all. No name, no heat or running water at times. All I had was creativity."


With two artist parents who were very anti-mainstream, I was given the freedom to be my weirdest, most expressive self as a kid. That’s about all I was given, however, as my family moved from the worst neighborhood in San Diego to a condemned building in rural Colorado.

This unstable and eccentric environment impacted my confidence in major ways. I begged my parents to live in a "normal house," but they were caught up in their own struggles.

For the first 20 years of my life I was an outlier everywhere I went. I would eventually, years later, appreciate my childhood for giving me such a large capacity for independence and risk. But at the time it was hell. 

My dream of being an actor brought me to New York, and to pay my bills I took an entry level job in PR. The theatrical nature of public relations made it a natural fit for me, and I rose up through the ranks in advertising and media.

I discovered that my resourcefulness and work ethic were valuable in the corporate world, which was a genuine revelation to me. But when I realized how inefficient and bureaucratic large corporate structures are, I started craving a more agile professional environment.

I didn't know it at the time, but I was craving the freedom and self-reliance of being an entrepreneur. My spirit was seeking a return to the adventurous frontiers of my childhood where I could run and jump freely—even if it meant a little more danger along the way.

And so I put in my two weeks’ notice at a huge multinational media company the day the markets crashed in 2008. I didn't have anything lined up. Not a single person I knew supported this decision, but I was listening to my own radio signal. 

What happened next was insane, even by my standards. 

As soon as I stopped trying to fit in...


My Life Changed Forever.


After a month of trying to immediately monetize my performance art (I do not recommend this), I randomly met a collective of female entrepreneurs in New York. These women showed me, for the first time, that not only could women own businesses, but that they could make a lot of money. My mind was blown. 

I moved to London and started a consulting company from scratch with what I learned through that network of women and the lessons I'd gleaned in PR and advertising. Most of my friends and family thought I had lost my mind.

By the end of 10 years, however, I was regularly coaching millionaires and CEOs and traveling the world. I used my self-reliance and relentless work ethic to build from zero to six figures.

I learned more about human nature in those 10 years than most corporate jobs could teach you in a lifetime. I also lost all professional fear of men, which is a real thing that women have to contend with in business. 

As I examined my personal life, which had taken a backseat to career, I began to dig deep into practices of wellness and spirituality. I sought out world-class healers to transmute my old belief patterns into bigger, more expansive ones. 

It was these game-changer psychological tools that took me from running to flying. This was when I sold my second series, optioned my first feature, and campaigned for an Emmy. I'm now developing my own feature films, directing name talent on a regular basis, and raising money for my projects...all while I retain my unique voice. 

I use these same revolutionary tools when working with clients, alongside tried and true strategies of business and marketing. You can meld art and business into a superpower when you embrace your most truthful self and take big, outrageous action.

Life on your terms. Are you ready? 


Misha Calvert on an orange coach with a black outfit with a brown jacked a white with a white background and a red and black rug

"Strength. Vision. Adventure. Belonging. These are my values."

black and white photos of Misha Calvert working with clients of artists and CEOs
How I See My Clients


You're More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine.


The one thing that all of my clients have in common, whether they are artists, employees, or CEOs, is a fear that they won't achieve their dreams. That fear response is a good thing, because people whose dreams have died can't feel that fear anymore.

A lot of my work focuses on the subconscious part of the brain because studies have shown it has several million times more processing power than your conscious brain. If you want to know what your subconscious thinks about you, look around at your life! It was largely built by your subconscious.

Fear optimizes for survival—not happiness or fulfillment—and exists to keep you alive. If you've never seen that your dreams are possible, fear tells you that chasing those dreams might lead to death. Your brain is actually very good at its job!

If you want to push past the brain's risk management mechanism and achieve your dreams, it's a very simple process (not easy, but simple). Get clarity on your dream life, identify your fears, transform those fears, and then take action in the real world.

As a coach, I support you with each of those stages. I combine deep inner work pulling from both Eastern and Western sources along with the world-class business and creativity strategies I've developed over the past 15 years as a consultant. I've helped companies and entrepreneurs triple their sales, and regularly take artists from no work at all to busy year-round.


Motivate and Inspire Your Entire Company


Keynote: Storytelling As Superpower


Your company has a unique story to tell, and it is that story that will capture the hearts of your customers and lead to relentless, enthusiastic sales. 

For the most part, people don't buy a product because it's a logical fit for them, i.e. "what" it is. They buy because of the emotional experience the product gives them, i.e. your company's "why." You still need a good product...but there's a lot of good products out there. 

The "why" is expressed in things like your company's purpose, values, and mission. It can also be expressed in your personal "why" as a salesperson or executive. The origin story of why you're at this company could end up being your best marketing tool.

I help executives and employees get in touch with their story and learn how to tell it in a masterful way. With 3 decades of stage experience and 10 years pitching in Hollywood, my techniques are a secret weapon that will revolutionize your sales and leadership teams.

I've delivered keynotes and event talks for tech startups and luxury brands alike. It's one of my absolute favorite ways to work with organizations, and has lead to company-wide shifts that immediately increase efficiency, innovation, and passion.

Black and white photos of Misha Calvert on Chase the Goal

Looking to book more work, slam dunk a pitch meeting, get a rep, or start your side business? I've got you covered. Click below to learn about the ways we can work together!