Have You Spent Money On Everything But Yourself?
The most valuable part of your company isn’t the product. It’s you.
While you may not admit that to others or even to yourself, the truth remains: it's your world-class brain and the vessel of your body that make this organization possible. It's also character. You are willing to take personal responsibility, lift others up, and work yourself to the bone. These noble traits can leave you neglecting the very brain and body that got you here to begin with.
All elite athletes have coaches. Without one, they fall apart.

I'm Misha. As a Coach, I've Seen it All.
As a life coach for HNW businessmen and women for 10 years, I've had high-performance clients in industries like tech, retail, AI, real estate, and entertainment. I learned that millionaires and billionaires have the exact same emotional and spiritual problems as everyone else, although sometimes they play out on a much bigger scale.
Whatever crazy or shocking thing you think you can say to me, I've probably already heard it. But unlike a therapist, I don't just listen. My specialty is discerning the root cause of what's going on, and offering multiple practical solutions that protect and uplift your whole self: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
You need someone to speak with who can relieve some of your pressure. Someone besides your assistant. The right coach can mean the difference between a breakthrough and a burnout. Be honest...does one of these feel like it's close?
What amount of money would you pay to make it a breakthrough?
Our Coaching Increases Performance 50%
You're a bottom-line thinker, and we really appreciate that. The majority of our executive coaching clients report a 50% increase in their clarity, efficiency, and energy. We also see profits increase from our leadership coaching, and our sales and marketing training. We are obsessed with results, and we know you are too.

Struggling With Press? Time To Confront Your Fear Of Being Seen.
Gone are the days of hiding your true self behind a dazzling PR campaign. Who you really are will be revealed. Make sure you’re ready for it. The media of today doesn’t just crave authenticity...it demands it. If you've been putting off the "inner work" of finding and expressing your authentic self, while simultaneously being frustrated with the quality of press you're getting, it's time to connect those two dots.
When it comes to press, inner equals outer.
Upgrade Your Support System
Mental and emotional support is important if you’re running a company; doubly so if you’re the one who started the company. While you’re masterful at what you do, one of the biggest mistakes is to focus solely on the golden egg (the company) and forget the golden goose (you). You’re stronger than most, but that doesn’t make you invincible.
With the success of your company, there’s also a lot more noise. It’s harder to think clearly, everyone wants something from you, and you’re having to solve problems you never even conceived of…both personal and professional.
You'll know after your first call with Misha whether this feels like the right fit for you, but you may experience a major breakthrough even in your first coaching session. Tears, laughter, and revelatory light bulb moments are a regular occurrence for Vermilion clients.
When you're used to supporting everyone around you, asking for help can be hard. But it's very likely the thing you need most.

Your Time Is Precious
That's why our initial free consultation is only 15 minutes. Misha gets right to the point, quickly and accurately diagnosing the underlying mechanics of the issues you're facing. And because you're so efficient, you'll know by the end of 15 minutes if it feels like a good fit for you, too.